Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I suck at this...

...blogging that is. I've tried starting a few blogs over my lifetime but it's never been anything that has stuck. I truly admire those that can be diligent and write consistently! That being said, I am still on the quest to find the balance between work and motherhood. Noah turned 2 in June and I still haven't figured it out. I'm starting to think it's one of those things that will finally make sense when I am old and gray :) The plan is that after #2 I will stay home, woo hoo! But I must admit that idea both thrills and terrifies me. Oh and for the record- I have given up the nightly cookies. 30 pounds later I realized something wasn't working! So, now to find the balance of a working mother that needs gym time! Til next time... whenever that might be!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Noah took his first steps today and I'm at work.

The end.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Oh yea.. I have a blog

I've been so bad with everything lately. No blog, no writing in Noah's book, no reading my huge stack of library books... Just a lot of nothingness. Time is flying and as much as I dig my heels in the sand I can't make it stop. Noah is 9 months old now and knows how to climb the stairs, he walks along the couch and walls and whatever else he can hold onto, he's starting to resist eating baby food and wants to eat everything we eat- all in all he's just growing up. TOO FAST. It makes me sad, I feel like I miss so much of his life gone away working. Before I know it I will be putting neosporin on scrapes he got riding his bike and signing consent forms for field trips. Then I'll look up and he will be putting a corsage on some heffa's hand before prom. And then he'll be standing at the front of a church waiting for some other heffa (or if he's like mommy it will be the same heffa from prom) to come down the aisle in a big white dress. *sigh* I just need it to all slow down....

Thursday, February 4, 2010


There are times in your life when you realize that your problems are nothing compared to others. Sure, we watch the news and see the tragic hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis and wars but we turn off the TV and go back to our normal lives. We go back to complaining that our car is 3 years old and so-and-so just got a new one. We complain that our hair is shoulder length and hers is down her back. We complain that her husband/boyfriend takes out the trash without being told while ours waits until the house reeks. We always think the grass is greener but sometimes we have the sense to realize our grass is green enough and we need to be thankful. I like to spend time on some motherhood message boards and today I read a post that made me so thankful for my grass. I wish I could be a stay at home mom, I wish I could do a million more things with and/or for Noah but I am so thankful he is here, healthy and happy and ready with a hug when I come home from work. So to Laura, the woman who is carrying a child she will not get to see grow up, a child she will not be able to come home and see after work- I apologize for my complaints and I am praying for you!

Monday, February 1, 2010

I have an official crawler!

My baby boy has been dragging himself around in an army crawl for 2 months now but last night he hit his milestone and used his knees! He has been pulling up to stand so I thought maybe he was just planning to totally skip traditional crawling but he surprised me! And the best part- I was home!! My heart just melted when he did it and he couldn't understand why I was screaming. He was so nonchalant you would think he's been on his knees all along. *sigh* I love being a mommy!

Oh! Happy 33 week birthday Noah Bear! *muah*

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The best contraption in the world!

This strange strip of fabric is one of the best investments I have made as a mother. It's a moby wrap, a ridiculously long piece of fabric that straps your kid to you in about a million different ways. When Noah was much younger he always wanted to be held which made doing anything else virtually impossible. These days, he's good about playing by himself on the floor or in his jumper but sometimes I just want him close by. This past weekend I was making some more food for him and after about an hour I became frustrated because although I was doing something for him, I wasn't spending time with him. So in the wrap he went! And despite the loud noise of the food processor pureeing his carrots, he fell asleep right on my chest. I call that Mommy's touch! :)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Snow Day!

As if it weren't cold enough, Thursday night we dropped down to about 12 degrees or so and received a mixture of snow and ice. Due to the weather, my job had a delayed opening Friday morning so I had 2 extra hours to sleep in and of course, play in the snow! The play time only lasted about 3 minutes because I was not dressed anywhere near as warmly as Noah and my fingers felt like they were getting frostbitten. So this picture was taken by the creek/pond/water dwelling across the street from our house. The cold and ice was fun for a moment, but it's time to break out the swimsuits... we are supposed to hit a whopping 40 degrees today!